Light Song of Light by Kei Miller
Light Song of Light by Kei Miller
A Light Song of Light" sings in the rhythms of ritual and folktale, praise songs and anecdotes, blending lyricism with a cool wit, finding the languages in which poetry can sing in dark times.
The book is in two parts: Day Time and Night Time, each exploring the inseparable elements that together make a whole.
Behind the daylight world of community lies another, disordered, landscape: stories of ghosts and bandits, a darkness violent and seductive. At the heart of the collection is the Singerman, a member of Jamaica's road gangs in the 1930s, whose job was to sing while the rest of the gang broke stones. He is a presence both mundane and shamanic.
Kei Miller's poems celebrate 'our incredible and abundant lives', facing the darkness and making from it a song of the light.