What's it like running a bookshop?
People often ask me what it’s like to run a specialist bookshop in the current climate. What’s the day-to-day like? Why don’t you have an FAQ section on your site? So, I thought I’d tackle both in this month’s blog. Here are some of the questions we get asked regularly, and I think they give a pretty good snapshot of what it’s like running Afrori Books—and why putting together a FAQ would be a mammoth task!
Do you publish?
Is this suitable for boys to read?
Have you got any books for boys?
Can men read this?
Aren't you just being racist?
Do you actually believe this stuff?
Can I trust my black boyfriend?
Are you jealous because black men like me?
Can you buy my new book from Amazon?
Did you know Amazon has that cheaper?
Why do you need to be here?
Why don't you sell Asian authors?
Why don't you have any white people working here?
Can my white husband come in?
Can I bring my pizza in?
Can I bring my wet dog in?
Can I drink my beer in here?
Can I feed my kids their lunch in here?
Do black people really write these?
Can white people come to your book clubs?
Is it just gonna be all black people at your book club?
Will I feel comfortable at your event?
What do you mean you're a safe space?
Do you know you changed my life?
So you know my kids think this is the best place ever?
Why don't you have a white doll in the toy box?
Did you know my child is non-verbal in public except here?
Are you gonna call the police on me?
Do you feel safe, madam?
Are you aware you are a far-right target?
I've been told white people can't celebrate Black History Month, is that true?
Is this racist?
Can I say that?
Are you African?
Where in Africa are you from?
Where in Uganda are you from?
Why don't you open a shop where there are more black people?
Are you gonna open another shop?
Can you come to my child's birthday party?
Can you do this for free?
How do you find the time?