What was 2024 for us?

What was 2024 for us?

As we wrap up 2024, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've shared with you this year at Afrori Books.

It’s been a year full of events, milestones, and  some challenges. This summer, we faced a difficult moment when  right-wing protests took place just 100 yards from the shop. But we stood firm, and you stood with us (some of you literally), your unwavering support reminded us why we do what we do.

Our shop has been buzzing with amazing events, hosting incredible authors like Diane Abbott, Sir Lenny Henry, Eve, Cebo Campbell, Dorothy Koomson, Maame Blue, Shani Akilah, and Orlaine McDonald, among many others. Each event was a celebration of storytelling, diversity, and community, and none of it would have been possible without you showing up and being part of these conversations.

We’re proud to have delivered our Anti-Racist Kids (ARK) Club to more schools than ever before this year, and we’ve got big plans to expand it even further in 2025. We’ve also been honoured to deliver books to prisons, helping to spread the joy and power of reading where it’s needed most. And let’s not forget the 5,000+ schoolchildren we’ve connected with this year, introducing them to books by Black authors and stories that inspire.

Of course, it hasn’t just been about the big moments. We’ve shared thousands of cups of coffee and countless conversations with so many of you in the shop. Each chat, each recommendation, and each smile reinforces why we love what we do.

Afrori Books exists because you choose for us to be here. Every time you step through our door, attend an event, or make a purchase, you’re voting with your feet and your money to support our bookshop. For that, we are deeply grateful.

As we look ahead to 2025, we’re more inspired than ever to bring you more events, more books, and more opportunities to connect and celebrate stories that matter. Thank you for being part of our community and for making Afrori Books the vibrant space it is today.

Here’s to another year of books, conversation, and change!

With love and gratitude.

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1 comment

Hi The website is looking great and I am so pleased all the projects are thriving. I was wondering if the reading group was going to come back? best wishes David

David Secrett

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